While I was working in a muslim moscheet as an Imam, as a parish priest.Once I preaced that Jesus Christ is not God, for me God was only Allah, and I believe Allah never got married,so no sons for Allah. So, I preached there that Jesus is not God.
Then, somebody asked me from who is Jesus ? From the crowd.Maybe a muslim, but he asked me 'Who is Jesus?'.
I was preaching he is not God but the question was, 'Who is he?'
To know who he is I read the entire quran once again.
114 Chapters 6666 Verses in Quran.
When I read it, the name of Prophet Mohammed I found in quran, 4places, but the name of Jesus I found in 25 Places.
Then, itself I was a little confused
''Why does the Koran give more preference to Jesus?'l and the second thing: I could not see any women's name in Koran: the propet Mohammad's mother's name, or wife's name or children's name, no. In the Koran, there is only there is only one woman name I found. Mariam, the mother of Jesus, no other woman's name.
And in the holy Koran Chapter 3, the name of the chapter itself is 'Mariam' One chapter is ''Mariam''.
So, I was very curious to know about Mariam. The Quran say Mary was born without Original sin, she never commited any sin in her life,
Koran Chapter 50 Verse 23 says that she went to heaven with her physical body. Even the Assumption is written in the holy Koran.
And then about Jesus, when I read 45 to 55 verses, there are 10 points which the Koran makes about Jesus.
1. He is the word of God.
2. He is the spirit of God.
3. He is Jesus christ.
In that same Quran 3:45-55,
1. Jesus created a live bird with mud. when he formed it, he breathed into it, it became a live bird. So, I think he can give life.
2. He cured a man born blind.
3. He cured a man with leprosy.e.t.c
4. He gave life to dead people.
5.Jesus went to heaven.
6. Jesus is still alive and he will come again.
7. He spoke when he was two years old.
When I saw all this things in the koran, So I wanted to know what the quran says about Prophet Mohammad. But I found that did not do anything Jesus do and would not come back again.
So, there is a lot of differences between these two prophets.
So, I believe Jesus is not God but he is a prophet greater than Mohammad.
So one day I went to my teacher, the one who taught me 10 years in Arabic College, and I asked him.
'' Teacher, how did God create the universe?'
He said, 'God created the universe through the word''.
So I asked ' Is the word the Creator or the Creation?''
If my Teacher says he is the creator then the Word, Jesus is the creator.Then, the muslims must become christains.
If my teacher says he is a creation then how did God create the word, I would ask.
Since he cannot say the Word, Jesus, is the creator nor the creation he sent me out of his house angrily.
Interviewer(Cristina Casado): If you see things so clearly why don't all muslim accept this. Why don't they accept christainity
Mario Joseph: They say the word is creation nor the creator and also not God. I told my teacher,'the word, Jesus, is not the creator nor the creation tat is why christain says he is the son of God.
then, he told me if there is a son of God, then there must be a wife of God- that I must show him. For without wife no chance of God having a son. Then, I showed a portion of the koran to him where it is stated that God can
1. See without eyes
2. Talk without tongue
3. Hear without hears.
So God can have a child without a wife.
So, we had a big argument and you know what I did at the end?
I prayed and said
'Allah tell me what to do, your koran says Jesus is alive , Mohammad is no more. You tell me whom should I accept''.
After I prayed, I opened the Koran, I asked only to my Allah.
When I opened Koran, I saw chapter 10 Verse 94.
Which says.
' If you have any doubt in this Koran go and read the bible or ask the people, who read the bible.
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