NFF President Amaju Pinnick has challenged the Super Eagles to approach their international friendly against Cameroon on Sunday with gusto and attain victory in order to make Nigerians forget Thursday’s defeat by the Democratic Republic of Congo.“There is no time for us to dwell on this defeat (by DR Congo). We were not at the last Africa Cup of Nations finals, but the Congolese were there and finished the tournament as bronze medal –winners.
“It is not an excuse to lose to them. But it is a fact. However, I have no doubt in your ability to turn things around when we play Cameroon on Sunday. That means you need to put this defeat behind you and focus hard on Sunday’s match.
“A lot has happened in the past couple of days, but the important thing is that the NFF will always be there for the team. A football team is like a family, and the Head Coach is like the father. I enjoin each and everyone of you to work with the coaches and abide by his instructions so that we can become better and stronger.
“On our part, we will continue to work hard to get friendly matches for you so that the team can bond better and achieve telepathy on the field. Our commitment to taking Nigeria football to heights never previously attained is unshaken.”
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